Tuesday, June 7, 2011

J o b l e s s

I have gone without jobs quite a few times in my decade long career in advertising. So what it feels like to be in such a situation, especially when you have a family to support. The emotions go from traumatic to highly tranquilizing, considering how stressful it is to keep up with impossible deadlines and how insecure the field is. When such uncalled for breaks have gone by, I have really missed them. I think when the curtains are finally pulled over my career, I will always have fond memories of them, as much as the best work I have done for my clients. Catching those elusive moments with my wife, playing with my growing up daughter, spending lazy afternoons on my bed with a novel or magazine… it feels as if I am reconnected to a life as I have always wanted them to be: lazy and full of leisure. It also prepares me for next round of battle, bigger challenges, more confusing briefs... till I quit again.